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Sour Howes, Sallows, Capple Howe: Lake District Walking Routes

Distance: 5.9 miles

Ascent: 1558ft

Fells: Sour Howes, Sallows, Capple Howe

Sour Howes: 1585ft

Capple Howe: 1460ft

Sallows: 1693ft

At long last, a day without rain. I had almost forgotten what the sun felt like. Two weeks of solid rain were forecast, ranging from drizzle to torrential downpours. On Friday, I checked the forecast; it had changed, a window of fine weather the next day.

Judging by the queues on the road, it seems I was not the only person who was excited by the weather. Arriving at Troutbeck, I managed to get the final parking space (which was lucky), before starting the ascent towards the first of the three fells I would do this day. Despite the fact it was around midday, the light over Windermere was very soft, almost like sunset. The ground was saturated in places from the rain, making some areas difficult to traverse. The run from Sour Howes to Sallows is a personal favourite; a mix of grass and tussock with a great view over the Kentmere fells.

Overall a very enjoyable, and surprising day on the fells,

boggy mountain
A lot of quite boggy ground

capple howe
Capple Howe, a lesser known Birkett

Troutbeck Tongue and the Kentmere Fells
Troutbeck Tongue and the Kentmere Fells

sallows lake district
Sallows; the first Wainwright of the day

windermere sunset
Stuning light over Lake WIndermere

a block of trees
Looking back to where I had been

sour howes lake district
Sour Howes; the final fell of the day

Disclaimer: This is an account of my walk, it is not a guide. Do not go on a walk on these fells based solely off this guide. Remember, the fells are dangerous if you are unprepared and inexperienced.

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